
I am a Professional Engineer with extensive academic and industrial experience in Fluid-Structure Interaction, Structural Dynamics, and Vibration. I am an alumnus of Cairo University and have a PhD from Ontario Tech University in Canada.

You can find all my publications here.

My Research focus on Experimental Aeroacoustics and Fluid-Structure Interaction. My objective is to contribute to the understanding of flow-induced vibration and energy transfer in systems that involve flow-induced vibration phenomena. Vibration, especially induced by fluid flow, is crucial to design devices for operation and safety purposes to avoid sudden catastrophic failures. Novel ideas in fluid-structure interaction can inspire devices with applications in renewable energy harvesting and storage and are part of the necessary efforts to fight Climate Change through development of low-carbon electricity generation technology.

Get in touch at emam.mahmoud@gmail.com

Research interests include:
• fluid-structure interaction
• Energy harvesting from nonlinear vibrating systems
• Vibrating multi-phase thermosyphons
• Two-phase flow-induced vibration

I worked as a consultant for projects of academic and industrial scopes in the fields of Fluid-Structure Interaction, Noise, Vibration, Aeroacoustics, and Thermalhydraulic Analysis. He worked with the Noise & Vibration team in Apple Inc., in Cupertino, CA to address vibration and noise in consumer electronics. Carried out research in renewable energy production and storage in thermoacoustic devices in the Lab of Thermoacoustics in the American University in Cairo.